Article: Invisible bookshelf in the DIY process?

Invisible bookshelf in the DIY process?
Said and done. You first take a look at the desired shelf from the professionals, preferably from the inventor company home3000. Building your own can't be that difficult, can it? The motivated hobby carpenter compiles his shopping list with the construction instructions he googled from the Internet and drives to the hardware store. In addition to the usual handicraft utensils, the material required is above all suitable angle irons.
There are various building instructions for the DIY construction of an invisible bookshelf.
Variant 1 requires 3 angle irons, each with 90 degrees. These are mounted parallel to the wall, with the middle bracket having to be fixed a little higher. To increase stability, the middle angle should also be slightly larger. Then open a book and slide the cover between the fixed brackets. The book is closed and the new shelf is ready.
Variant 2:
You open a book a few pages from the end of the book, place an angle iron right in the middle and trace its outline. Then cut this line deep enough to fit one leg of the angle iron and attach it to the book with screws. The screws must match the format of the book. Optionally, the angle bar can also be glued into the book. However, a special adhesive should then be used.
Then glue the loose book cover to the book and let it dry well. Now fasten the screws of the book that has been converted into a shelf to the wall using dowels.
Conclusion for the self-experiment:
There are various instructions for building the free-floating shelf yourself, the material costs are manageable. For do-it-yourselfers with an affinity for crafts, this could well be an alternative to buying a professional shelf. However, the possibly too low load capacity of the shelf could become a problem.